Facebook Tip: Why should I convert my profile to a Fan Page?

Facebook Tip: Why should I convert my profile to a Fan Page?

logofacebookFacebook profiles are meant for individual people, they aren’t suited to meet your business needs. Pages offer more robust features for organizations, businesses, brands, and public  figures, which you can learn more about here.

Further, maintaining a profile for anything other than an individual person is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use. If you don’t convert your profile to a Page, you risk permanently losing access to the profile and all of your content. It’s not worth dealing with that so make sure you setup pages the correct way.  My book Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media ““ A Beginner’s Handbook covers setting up fan pages.

Here are a few of the benefits on why you need a fan page and not a profile page for your business.

Facebook Insights

My favorite thing about pages is Facebook Insights which allows you to view your page stats. Page admins can view information on likes, comments, like source, user demographics and more. Find out what countries and cites your users are coming from along with their age and sex. You can find out more about Facebook Insights here on Facebook or search on Google for Facebook Insights.

Download the Facebook Insights Guide in PDF for more specifics.

Custom Landing Page

This is the biggest reason why you should be using a fan page instead of profile pages. With custom landing pages you have control over content design on your fan pages. You can create custom “Welcome” pages and tabs depending on your needs.  You can also reveal exclusive content only to those who “Like” your page.  With iFrames you can create pages that behave just like a web page. That means you can create content using Flash, html and other web technologies.  See how others are using custom fan pages to create exciting content.

Get Instant Like

With a profile page potential fans have to wait for you to approve them as a friend.  There is no wait with a business fan page because all they have to do is "Like" the page.

Ready? Click here to learn how to convert your profile to a Page.

Posted by Dennis J. Smith
Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media ““ A Beginner’s Handbook


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