Category: Blogging

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Windows Live Writer makes blogging a breeze

Are you thinking about starting your own blog but scared off by technology?  It might not be as hard as you think when it comes to starting a blog.  If you know Microsoft Office you’re already halfway there.  If you don’t its still easy when you have tools that simplify the process.  Windows Live Writer…
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Start tracking Website and Blog visitors with Google Analytics

Analyzing with Google Analytics – The Basics There are many ways to keep track of website statistics like unique visitors, user browser preferences, location and other valuable information.  If you already have an account with Google it’s really simple to get started with Google Analytics.  Provide information regarding your websites and then simply paste the…
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10 must have WordPress Plugins

Being the most popular blogging platform in the world has its advantages.  There are millions of individuals and businesses that are using a WordPress blog.  Those blogs are the stepping stones to promoting a business or a cause.  Plugins make those blogs even more powerful and there are over 10,000 to choose from.  The best…
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Have your blog speak to your readers with Odiogo

If you are looking for a new way to promote your business or cause you might consider a WordPress blog.  It is a great way to get high search engine results when tied to your organizations website.  Many of the plug-ins offered for WordPress are designed to share your blog with with others on Facebook,…
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Blog your way to success using

Blogging is an important component of any businesses social media plan.  This blog is a WordPress blog and using one of many free themes available.  WordPress is the number one choice for bloggers around the world and open source. It’s possible to find free services for blogging like and  Both work just fine…
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