Category: Marketing

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Blab – WordPress for Marketing Udemy Courses, Kindle Books, Online Services and more!

WordPress for Marketing Udemy Courses, Kindle Books, Online Services and more! Join me and learn how to use the power of affordable WordPress to market your business, book, Udemy course and more! Have questions about WordPress? I will answer them live or you can join me in the Blab hot seat and join the discussion! Subscribe here:…​…
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E-Mail Newsletter Marketing 101–[INFOGRAPHIC]

Here is some good information I came across on regarding the topic of E-mail Marketing. Did you know that sending e-mail on weekends gets you a better CTR (click-thru rate)? Are you marketing with e-mail? Which service do you use? I personally love MailChimp because it is easy to use and the offer a…
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How to Get 5 Million People to Read Your Website by Matthew Inman

I wanted to share a YouTube video that I came across today. Not only is it funny but it has a point to it. Matthew shares some creative ways he used to drive traffic to his websites. This video is from the Ignite Seattle event. Do you use creative means to drive traffic to your…
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More Offline Marketing Ideas–Vinyl Banners

Besides marketing my book online using social media I also find ways to market offline. Business cards, postcards and bookmarks have been a few of my offline marketing tools. Starting this fall I’ll be attending book signing events here in Southern Idaho. Right now I’m working with the editor for the 2nd Edition of Promote…
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5 Must Have Social Media Plugins for WordPress Blogs

With the explosion of Social Media many bloggers are discovering the power of sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz and LinkedIn to name a few.  With WordPress plugins you or your readers can share your blog postings with others just with a click of the mouse.  Here are 5 plugins for Social Media that I…
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Being Social with Social Media On The Go or In The Air

The beauty of running your own business is that you are no longer tied down to the desk.  With social media, a mobile hone and a laptop or even a new tablet PC you can promote your business while on the go.  It doesn’t matter where you are at anymore to connect with the world…
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Promote Your Digital Product and Fatten Your Wallet With ClickBank

Looking for a way to promote your product or promote the product of others?  Want to make money while you’re at it?  With ClickBank you can promote your own products or promote the products of others and make money.  ClickBank is based in Boise, Idaho and started back in 1998.  There are thousands of digital…
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Promote Your Business or Cause Offline

Besides promoting your business or cause online using social media, you still have to use some traditional offline marketing.  The internet has made it easier to use those traditional ways for marketing and keep the cost down.  In promoting a few of my business endeavors I came across  I took the advice of a…
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