Category: Google+

Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist

Growth Hacking Your Social Networks With Social Media Hack Expert Ali Mirza

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Matt Bernstein, and Ali Mirza. Please click to view the courses of the Udemy Instructors featured in this Blab. Sponsored By:

Google+ Makes Changes

Recently Google made some changes to their social networking site Google+ which included a new look to the stream by adding more columns. Lots of good features have been added since the sites launch in 2011 including my favorite Hangouts Live. I recently talked about some of those changes in my talk show Social Media…
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The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Thu, May 16th, 2013 1:00 pm

The Social Media Talk Show – Google+ Makes Changes I’ve posted the tips and links from today’s show below. This weeks Social Media Talk show was 30 minutes of Social Media and WordPress information: 15 Things You Need To Know About The #NewGooglePlus Read more at On today’s show I mostly talked about some of the changes to Google+…
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The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Thu, April 4th, 2013 01:00 pm

The Social Media Talk Show – Social Media with Google+ This weeks Social Media Talk show was 30 minutes of Social Media and WordPress information: Google+ Free Webinar April 10th at 11 am Mountain Time   Links from Today’s Show: Tools To Create Beautiful Custom Facebook Fan Pages – Webinar Listen to internet…
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Official: Games in Google+: fun that fits your schedule

Google+ is rolling out several games today including the popular Angry Birds. Unlike Facebook, Google promises you will have control over when you see games, how you play them and sharing that experience with others. If you are interested in games you don’t have to worry about your stream being flooded with game request.   Read…
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Google Releases Version 1.0.5 Google+ Android App Update

Android users now can now update to the latest version of the Google+ app from their Android phone or the Android Market. Google+ Android app (v.1.0.5) brings several improvements to the mobile version. Check out the video below from Google’s Mobile Project Manager +Punit Soni.         v1.0.5 August 2, 2011 Improved notifications…
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Google Gets More Social With Google+

Google is getting more serious in the social media arena this week. They announced the Google+ Project yesterday and it looks quite interesting. I’m not sure this is going to be a Facebook killer but it is worth a look. I think what strikes me the most is a new approach to social media. The…
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