The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Thu, May 16th, 2013 1:00 pm

The Social Media Talk Show and Podcast with Dennis J. Smith Thu, May 16th, 2013 1:00 pm

The Social Media Talk Show – Google+ Makes Changes

I’ve posted the tips and links from today’s show below. This weeks Social Media Talk show was 30 minutes of Social Media and WordPress information:

Social Media Today - On The Air

15 Things You Need To Know About The #NewGooglePlus
On today’s show I mostly talked about some of the changes to Google+ that my friend Kimberly Castleberry of Ask Kim points out in her recent blog post. Learn how to change back to a single-column format and how to quickly fresh your Google+ stream.

  • Google+ Changes

Links from Today’s Show and more links:


book. – Download free Google+ Chapter of my updated 2013 Edition of my book “Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media – A Beginner’s Handbook”

WordPress Hangouts with Dennis – for less than $25 a month you can hangout with me and get your WordPress questions answered live.

Social Media Hangouts with Dennis – – for less than $25 a month you can hangout with me and get your Social Media questions answered live.

Tools To Create Beautiful Custom Facebook Fan Pages – Webinar

Listen to internet radio with The Social Media Talk Show on BlogTalkRadio


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