100+ WordPress Fan Pages on Facebook

100+ WordPress Fan Pages on Facebook

100+ WordPress Facebook Fan Page ListPeople forget that social networking isn’t just about posting a status update and making comments. You can learn a lot from social media sites like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and others by following fan pages or an expert in your field of interest. The same holds true when it comes to WordPress which is used by millions of website worldwide. I have created an interest list on Facebook that links to over 100+ fan pages related specifically to WordPress. Below is that link along with some of the more popular WordPress related fan pages. Make sure you “Like” the page, check “Get Notifications” and contribute to the discussion by leaving comments or feedback.

100+ Ultimate WordPress Fan Page List

I Learn WP (WordPress)

WPBeginner – WordPress for Beginners


WordPress for Non-Geeks – Blog Aid




Jetpack for WordPress


Gravity Forms

Nile Flores – Blondish.net

Ask Kim – WordPress and Online Marketing Expert

WP Engine


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