Hyper Alerts Free Facebook Fan Page Notification Tool

Hyper Alerts Free Facebook Fan Page Notification Tool

With all the social media sites out there it’s a wonder that we have time to do much.  Most of us running a business don’t have time to monitor our Facebook Fan Pages.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know when someone has left a comment for one of your post?  I have found the perfect free tool to help you manage your social media and stay on top of the game.

YouTube Video ““ Hyper Alerts

Here’s how it work:

Get Your Free Account at the Hyper Alerts website:

Hyper Alerts Signup Page

Set-up Your Hyper Alerts:
Click on the + Add new alert button to start the process.

Hyper Alerts - set up new Facebook fan page alert

Tell Hyper Alerts which fan page or pages you’d like to monitor.  There is no access via Facebook Connect so your personal information is not accessed.

Add Your Fan Page

Pick your setting on what time you would like HyperAlerts to send your notification.  Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly.  I would recommend that you check at least daily to keep in touch with your fans.

Set Your Hyper Alerts

Wait for the nifty e-mail to arrive with your notifications in a nice clean format.  Right from the e-mail you can click to view the post or you can stop getting alerts of you choose to do so.


Let me know what you think and feel free to comment below or share this with your friends.  Know of a better social media tool?

Posted By Dennis J. Smith
Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media ““ A Beginner’s Handbook


2 Responses

  1. BCB says:

    Is there a way to stop someone from using Hyper Alerts to access a personal page from which they are blocked/restricted from viewing on Facebook?

  2. Not sure. It’s my understanding that HyperAlerts only works with Fan Pages and only for page admins.

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