MySpace back in the Social Media game?

MySpace back in the Social Media game?

MySpace used to be the king of social networking long before Twitter and Facebook dethroned it from the top.  But MySpace has new leaders and is about to get an update to its look and feel.  Will that be enough to save it from further decline?  Maybe.


MySpace profiles just got a makeover and will start slowly rolling out to its users.  The profiles now have a much cleaner look and navigation menu to the left.  The “Stream” functions a lot like Facebook but has navigation choices over the top to filter the stream.

According to the latest stats MySpace has about 66 million users.  The site ranks 25th in web traffic around the world and lands in 13th in the US for most visited websites.  But that’s a far cry when the site used to rank as one of the top visited sites.  Most businesses looking to promote via social media have already moved on to Twitter and Facebook.  However MySpace continues to be the site used to promote music and new movies.

I still maintain my MySpace profile but not as often as my Facebook page or Twitter feed.  That’s because I believe they top MySpace when it comes to promoting a business.  But if you are looking to promote a band MySpace is still the king of music marketing.

Do you still think MySpace is an effect social media marketing tool?


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