Many have probably wondered where certain features of Facebook have gone after the recent Timeline conversion. Most are still there but take just a little more difficult to locate. One of those features is Facebook Notes and something I’ve used before myself. It is not really needed anymore because you can post 63,206 characters of less on your status update now. But it is still there for those who like using it or those who want to view old notes. An easy way to get to them is just to type in your user name after and then forward slash notes after your user name. So my notes are at Want my book for free? Just click! The 2nd way to reach your Notes is via your Timeline by selecting the drop down arrow to the right of the tiles/boxes. Click the drop down arrow to reveal more tiles and you should see one labeled Notes. Just click and you should be able to see your old notes and create new notes if you would like. Let Your Friends Know How to Find Their Facebook Notes – [TweetThis] Here’s the Facebook how-to video for those of you who would like to see how this is done. Clicking on the Pen icon will let you edit which tiles you want where by swapping positions with other tiles. Give it a try and see what works best for you. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Facebook, 2nd Edition [Kindle Edition] [divider] Are you still using Notes or you posting longer status updates? Feel free to comment below or share suggestions.
Facebook Tip – Add Your Business Page As Your Place Of Work
Adding Your Facebook Business Page As Your Place Of Employment One thing I’ve noticed that several of my self-employed Facebook friends don’t take advantage of the full benefit of their Facebook profile. If you have your own business page on Facebook and you are self-employed it can be connected to your profile. How? In the new Timeline view or old profile view you want to go to your info page to update your employment information. Edit your Work and Education information and enter your business page under “Where have you worked?” box. Please note: Facebook has changed how your Profile information is displayed to others. Those visiting your profile have to click on “About” first before they can see the “About You” information and your place of employment. However the instructions below still work to add your self-owned businesses fan page as your place of employment. Book: Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media – A Beginner’s Handbook (3rd Edition) [Kindle Edition] – Just $.99 Cents When you start typing a list of business pages you follow will start to populate. Keep typing until your business page shows so you can select it. List will populate as you type the name of your business page Add information about your business including your position, city/town a description of your business and the time you have been in business or self-employed. Then the “Save Changes” and “Done Editing” buttons when you are finished. Down below that you can “Add A Project” to let others know what you’ve been up to. I listed my book and then added the 2nd Edition when that was launched back in September. Now when someone visits your personal profile and they hover over your employment information they can “Like” your business page right from your personal profile. How cool is that? Feel free to comment if you have any questions and if you found this helpful. By Dennis J. Smith Author of “Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media – A Beginner’s Handbook” [divider]
How-To Share Your Information Across Facebook
Have you ever wondered how you “Share” information from a fan page or your personal Timeline, a friends Timeline, to other fan pages, groups and in a private message? Here’s a video showing how to do that. Check out my other how-to videos on Facebook and YouTube. Image: Share this Link pop-up box on Facebook Did this video help you learn something new? If you have questions or would like other how-to videos please comment below.
Facebook Improves Organization of Friends List
Improved Friend Lists Source: From The Facebook Blog on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 10:59am This week, it will be easier than ever to see more from the people you care about and simpler to share with exactly the right people using Friend Lists. Want to see posts from your closest friends? Or perhaps you’d like to share a personal story with your family””without also telling all your co-workers. With improved Friend Lists, you can easily see updates from and share with different lists of friends. Lists have existed for several years, but you’ve told us how time-consuming it is to organize lists for different parts of your life and keep them up to date. To make lists incredibly easy and even more useful, we’re announcing three improvements: Smart lists – You’ll see smart lists that create themselves and stay up-to-date based on profile info your friends have in common with you–like your work, school, family and city. Close Friends and Acquaintances lists – You can see your best friends’ photos and posts in one place, and see less from people you’re not as close to. Better suggestions – You can add the right friends to your lists without a lot of effort. Smart Lists Managing lists is boring. That’s why smart lists do the work for you. To start, we’ll offer you smart lists for: Work School Family City For instance, if you list Boston College as a school you’ve attended and your friends John and Sarah do too, then you would instantly have a smart list called “Boston College” with John and Sarah on it. This means that if you’re having a grad party or a college reunion, you can easily share photos with just your college friends, without bothering other people you know. You can also add or remove friends manually to make the lists even more accurate. Close Friends and Acquaintances Lists Close Friends list – Add your best friends to your Close Friends list and you’ll see everything they post in News Feed. You can even jump straight to a view of your News Feed that only shows their photos and news. You can also receive notifications when they post updates, so you don’t miss anything important. Acquaintances list – Add friends like old classmates or business contacts to your Acquaintances list and you’ll see less of them in your News Feed. We’ll still show you important things they post — like when they get married or move to a new city — so you don’t lose touch completely. Okay, what about your boss or the few other people you like but just don’t want to share with on Facebook? You can add these folks to your Restricted list and they will only see your Public posts. You’ll still be friends on Facebook so you can send them messages or tag them in a post if you want to connect to them from time to time. It’s totally up to you. Unlike your smart lists for your work, school, family and city, we don’t create Close Friends and Acquaintances lists for you. Since these types of relationships are unique, it’s important for you to decide who goes in your Close Friends, Acquaintances or Restricted lists — if you use them at all. If you created your own lists in the past, you can still use them. You can also continue to create whatever lists you want in the future. When you post something to a list that you’ve created — including your Close Friends and Acquaintances lists — no one will be able to see the title of the list. The people on the list you’ve shared with will be able to see each others’ names. This gives them more context. For example, if I see that a post is shared with my five closest friends, I am much more likely to comment freely on it than I would be if I didn’t know who else could see the post. Better Suggestions We provide suggestions for your smart lists, Close Friends, Acquaintances, and your own lists, making them easier to create and update. When you add someone as a friend or confirm a friendship request, you’ll be able to add the friend to any of your existing lists. See and Share With Exactly Who You Want Each of your lists has its own News Feed, where you can see just the photos, status updates and other posts from the people on the list. To view list News Feeds, look for the Lists section on the left side of your homepage and click the list you want to see. Whenever you feel like sharing something with a narrower set of friends, simply use the dropdown audience selector in the sharing tool and pick one of your lists. You can also use lists to help control who sees what on your profile, using the audience selector next to each detail on your profile. Improved Friend lists will be available to everyone this week. We’d love to hear your feedback at
Facebook Fan Page Workshop : Nampa, ID
21+ Ways to Get More "Like" For Your Facebook Fan Page ““ Workshop Looking for ways to get more “Like” on your Facebook Fan Page? Join Social Media Author Dennis J. Smith, GreenHostUSA and Fan Page Bling for the “21+ Ways to Get More "Like" For Your Facebook Fan Page ““ Workshop” in Nampa, ID September 21st at 6:30 pm. You don’t need to have a Fan Page to attend so come learn how to connect with clients on the most popular social media platform in the world! Win a copy of “Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media” By local author Dennis J. Smith Here’s some what you’ll learn: What are the best times to post How to Share your fan pages Facebook Ads. Are they right for you? Get more functionality with custom tabs The benefits of the reveal tab How to add a "Like" box to my website How to connect your Facebook fan page to Twitter Several more ways to get others liking your fan page! Cost: Just $20! Tickets: Get Your Tickets Here Details: Stevens-Henager College 16819 N Marketplace Blvd Room N108 Nampa, ID 83687 Wednesday, September 21, 2011 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM (MT)
Facebook Tip: Why should I convert my profile to a Fan Page?
Facebook profiles are meant for individual people, they aren’t suited to meet your business needs. Pages offer more robust features for organizations, businesses, brands, and public figures, which you can learn more about here. Further, maintaining a profile for anything other than an individual person is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use. If you don’t convert your profile to a Page, you risk permanently losing access to the profile and all of your content. It’s not worth dealing with that so make sure you setup pages the correct way. My book Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media ““ A Beginner’s Handbook covers setting up fan pages. Here are a few of the benefits on why you need a fan page and not a profile page for your business. Facebook Insights My favorite thing about pages is Facebook Insights which allows you to view your page stats. Page admins can view information on likes, comments, like source, user demographics and more. Find out what countries and cites your users are coming from along with their age and sex. You can find out more about Facebook Insights here on Facebook or search on Google for Facebook Insights. Download the Facebook Insights Guide in PDF for more specifics. Custom Landing Page This is the biggest reason why you should be using a fan page instead of profile pages. With custom landing pages you have control over content design on your fan pages. You can create custom “Welcome” pages and tabs depending on your needs. You can also reveal exclusive content only to those who “Like” your page. With iFrames you can create pages that behave just like a web page. That means you can create content using Flash, html and other web technologies. See how others are using custom fan pages to create exciting content. Get Instant Like With a profile page potential fans have to wait for you to approve them as a friend. There is no wait with a business fan page because all they have to do is "Like" the page. Ready? Click here to learn how to convert your profile to a Page. Posted by Dennis J. Smith Promote Your Business or Cause Using Social Media ““ A Beginner’s Handbook
Promote Your Business with Facebook Deals–New!
Facebook is getting ready to launch a new feature that lets you offer your customers deals when they “check-in” using Places on Facebook. Called “Deals” the latest feature is currently in Atlanta, Austin, Dallas, San Diego and San Francisco. I did notice that there are a few deals in my local area which is Boise, ID but I haven’t been to those businesses. Facebook claims that over 200 million mobile phone users are actively using Facebook on the go. That’s huge potential for a business to draw in new customers. Business can set one-time deals or even set-up loyalty deals by rewarding return customers. Hopefully there will be a day you won’t need to carry around those stupid cards on your key chain. I’ve included a link down below of a PDF from Facebook to give you more information. There are several videos to get a better idea on how “Deals” can benefit your business. Are “Deals” active in your city? Is this something you might consider for your business? See how it works: Deals for Businesses PDF ““ Download For more information head to Facebook and Source: Dennis J. Smith Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media ““ Beginner’s Handbook
Social Networking Tour – Facebook
This is a blog post from CreateSpace which is the publishing company for my book. It has some great information and best practice on how social media can help you promote any product or service you might have. This covers Facebook which the writer considers the granddaddy of social media. I would agree that any social media promotion should start with Facebook. Please feel free to comment with your thoughts after reading the article posted below. -Dennis Social Networking Tour ““ Facebook You’ve often heard me talk about social networking on this blog. It’s an important cog in the web 2.0 machinery, and as a result, it should be an important cog in your marketing strategy. Social networking sites offer you a way to have a conversation with readers and potential readers. In short, it’s an ideal tool to help you keep your word-of-mouth campaign in constant motion. Your friends, virtual or otherwise, are anxious to help you succeed. There are many social media sites out there, so I’ve decided to break this topic up into a five-part series. We’ll look at a different social networking site each week to learn a little bit more about them. I’ll be providing some of my experiences as an author and offer up some basic ideas for how to use them to promote yourself and your book. First up is what I’d call the granddaddy of all the sites: Facebook. It’s so socially relevant, they made a big-budget movie about it. It started out as a networking site for colleges and blew up into a worldwide phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down. Here are some interesting facts as of the time of this writing: Facebook currently has an estimated 550,000,000 unique monthly visitors. The most current numbers reveal that the age group with the biggest presence is 35-54. Women make up 54.3 percent of the members. The fastest-growing segment is the 55-and-older age group. The average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook. The average user is a member of 12 groups. In my opinion, the best way to approach Facebook as a personal branding tool is to keep in mind that it is a social network, meaning you should treat it like any other social gathering. This isn’t the best arena for the hard sell or constant pitch. I’ve seen authors do this, and invariably someone complains, or they lose valuable Facebook connections. The most successful authors use Facebook as a platform to draw readers into their world through common interests. Posting news links, funny or inspirational quotes, pictures from signings, and updates about your experiences as an author are all good options for Facebook content. If you have a personal appearance coming up, notify your friends. They may even share your post with their friends, especially if the event is in their area. Also, start joining groups and interacting with those who participate in them. I’ve joined a number of groups that have nothing to do with my book, but from them, I’ve added people to my pool of friends. More friends means more people reading my updates and discovering that I am an author. How? I’ve identified myself as such in my profile, and a lot of my updates pertain to whatever book I am writing at the time. I’m always sure to keep the updates purely informational, so they don’t come off as sales pitches for the book. Since it has more than 500,000,000 users, there’s a very good chance that you’re already a member of the site. However, I’ve found that many authors who have accounts are hesitant to actually use them. I wholeheartedly recommend that you start using the valuable free tools and networking opportunities that Facebook presents. People want to connect with you. That’s what friends do”¦even Facebook friends! -Richard Richard Ridley is an award-winning author and paid CreateSpace contributor. Original Post is located on the CreateSpace Facebook Fan Page
Track Social Media With POSTLING
Like many out there you might be finding it tough to manage your Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, blogs and various other social media networks. I’ve had the same problem myself and have finally found a solution that I like. Postling was created to simply the process of managing your social media networks. I no longer have to check each one of my Facebook Fan Pages for comments. Postling lets me know when someone comments on one of my several post. That way I stay on top of interacting with my followers and build engaging relationships. Publish From One Location With Postling you can post right to your Facebook Fan Pages, WordPress Blogs, Blogger accounts, Twitter, Linked in and more. There is no need to go to each one of those locations to post something new or update your status. Do it all from Postling and save time! You can also schedule the date and time you would like your post published at. I know from experience what a great time saver this is when managing your social media networks. Dashboard The Postling Dashboard gives you easy access to all your social media networks. Update your status, respond to comments, track keywords and more. Try Postling There is a free version of Postling with full features you can can try for 14-days. The premium version lets you monitor social media sites like Twitter for keywords. This can be beneficial for those looking to target a certain type of customer. It can also be set-up to look for chatter about your business in case you receive negative feedback or even kudos. You don’t have to login to all your social media sites because Postling will e-mail you a recap of comments, reviews and keyword tracking results. Just click on reply in the e-mail and respond back to any comments right away. What a great time saver and an easy way to stay on top of the game. Head on over to and get your free account today or upgrade to premium and enjoy all the benefits. Do you use something different to manage your social media? Feel free to leave a comment below and thanks for reading! Postling on Facebook ““ Postling Fan Page
Book Trailer–“Promote Your Business Or Cause Using Social Media
Promote your Business or Cause using Social Media is a handbook for beginner’s interested in using social media to grow a small business or take any cause to the internet. Learn how to create a blog, start a blog radio show, upload videos to YouTube, Tweet on Twitter and build a fan page on Facebook with social apps and even eCommerce. Purchase your copy today for just $7.95 through CreateSpace or CreateSpace ““ Order Now Online Amazon ““ Order Now Online -Available in Paperback and Kindle – Learn how to add a shopping cart to your Facebook fan page and sell product right from your fan page. – Learn how to get your own personal Facebook URL. – How to get started with WordPress and your own blog. – Twitter Tips! About the author: Dennis has been creating websites and browsing the web since the days of Netscape 1.0 while living in Seattle, Washington. His technology background goes back to the days of the Commodore Vic 20 and 64, Pong and Pac-Man. He later turned his passion for technology and web design into a love for Internet Marketing, blogging and now Social Media. He is the owner of IgniteHost and GreenHostUSA website hosting, search engine optimization and social media consulting located in Boise, Idaho and writes the tech blog for the popular Android phones. During his free time he enjoys road trips back to Seattle, exploring Idaho, microbrews, great coffee, sharing his knowledge with friends and Facebook acquaintances.