#Udemy Q&A with Udemy Instructors Dennis Smith and Matt Bernstein!

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Jeremy Deighan, Barb Tomlin, Matt Bernstein, and Steve Hughes
Udemy Instructor, Author, ClickFunnels and ConvertKit Specialist
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Dennis J. Smith, Jeremy Deighan, Barb Tomlin, Matt Bernstein, and Steve Hughes
77 Responses
yes u can put a url in
the url is clickable when they view your blab profile
I have a URL in my profile
You’re frozen but I can hear you Matt
I dont know if it’s in his profile but I am saying it would be what u could do
I just put a Url on mine just now…. Neato
or this wordpress domain with all your courses idea we were talking earlier
Of course, guys! It’s all about the email list – if you can get folks to read your email. LOL
nice dennis
I can barely get anyone to buy a course for a $1 in here lol
I use blab to add value to current students lives
dennis is one of the most consistent at promotion
@scottjduffy I’m consistently below average at promotion 😉
I am awful, a 1/10
slick jeremy
real smooth
I could up sell/cross sell students…
promotions started to work for me when I had a beginner then intermediate and advanced course on a given topic.
@saywhatnowjason same! it works best when you make your courses compatible with each other
yeah. it took me awhile to get the right courses in place 🙂
sign up for this cool giveaway for a blue yeti mic, collection of great marketing books, and a lot more 🙂 http://ultimateonlineteachingbundle.com/giveaways/the-ultimate-online-teaching-bundle-giveaway-for-entrepreneurs?lucky=209
yes, most consistent award
if anyone wants 1 course for free, lemme know https://www.udemy.com/u/mattbernstein/
thanks matt and dennis
later everyone
@jeremydeighan cheers
q/ what’s the average length of your best selling courses?
i have 6000 students – can’t follow each one , but accept linkedin add requests
hum.. did the. top paid courses link disappear from Udemy?
@saywhatnowjason what do you mean?
i’ve watched over 200…
there used to be Udemy.com/courses/top-paid and listed the best selling courses…
@saywhatnowjason i think when you go to the category and subcategory, that is the top courses now
@TheLambiepoo Hi Kristi!
@mbernstein924 Hi Matt 🙂
@saywhatnowjason yeah its gone now
#51 on your list of courses to take
@LiveStreamLee I would say 2-3 hours for my course.
@LiveStreamLee 3-5 hours
stop consuming and start producing ?
The rule has a reason
exactly dennis
*cough* Berry Janfield *cough*
@saywhatnowjason True. 🙂